From oven cleaning to AGA cleaning in Herefordshire
Growing up in the beautiful Herefordshire countryside meant that I was aware of AGAs from an early age. A few of my friend's mothers and grandmothers owned AGAs and, in retrospect, I was always aware, even in childhood, of their aesthetic beauty and appeal. A few years ago I took voluntary redundancy from a job I loved in order to relocate back to Herefordshire to start my own oven cleaning business.
On the course I attended I was taught how to professionally clean AGAs and Rayburns. I thoroughly enjoyed cleaning these gorgeous cast iron, enamelled treasures and knew then that in the future I would hope to focus my business on specialising in their detailed, deep cleaning. This happened sooner than I expected and, after only 1 year of trading, my plan to specialise in cast iron range cooker cleaning came true.
AGA/Rayburn cleaning makes up 98% of my business now and I'm constantly expanding. I still clean a few standard range cookers and ovens and, in fairness, put the same effort into their detailed clean as I would an AGA.
I market my business simply on the quality of my work and the superior finish I achieve and provide. Don't just take my word for it, read what some of my customers have kindly had to say about the quality of my work and view a selection of before and after photographs that I've taken.